Dancer Fitness: Knowledge, Assessment, and Resources
This is part two of a series about Improving The Fitness Of Your Dancers which discussed the reasons artistic athletes in training benefit from a focus on fitness in their training, why and how to...
View ArticleKnees, Please: Why A Dancer Should Walk Like A Man
Many readers have expressed interest in knowing more about protecting their knees from injury. As a follow-up to Nichelle’s excellent interview with Dr. Craig Westin, I’ve created some pointers for...
View Article“Mom, I want to quit dance.”
Parents make tough calls. Sometimes on a daily basis. When you’ve put an investment of time, money, and energy into an activity like dance, helping your child make the decision to drop out (or not) may...
View ArticleIs The Snap, Crackle, or Pop of Your Hips Cause For Alarm?
Snapping Hip (also called Clicking Hip) is a relatively common problem among dancers. Generally, snapping hip is characterized by a pop or cracking sound (not dissimilar to “cracking” the knuckles of...
View ArticleThe Long and Short of Achilles Tendon Health
It feels great to have Lauren back at Dance Advantage after a hiatus. She is excited to talk about one of her favorite topics: Tendons! This isn’t the first time we’ve had a tendon talk. A few years...
View Article12 Traits of Terrific Dance Teachers
“Apart from my parents, my teachers have done the most to shape my life.” ~ George Lucas, filmmaker. What would any dancer be without his dance teachers? Of course, he wouldn’t be a dancer at all....
View ArticleSetting New Year Nutrition and Body Goals That Stick
A New Year can be a really awesome time to set some nutrition goals that are innovative and more importantly effective. However, it can also feel totally overwhelming if you’re tackling a number of...
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